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Quote of the month...
from Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra by Obert Skye
my family
Make your Stick Figure Family at FreeFlashToys.com
Friday, September 28, 2007
Around the Dinner Table
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Good morning!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Potty Training Woes...
All of my girls have just up and decided one day they were "ready to go on the big potty". This was wonderful.... until EmmaLece. She followed suit and last Nov. told us she was a big girl and she was nearly trained over night. We were SO excited and not worried about Scott as it has been our experience that boys are slower. Well, last Nov. was also when my Grandma passed away (the day after Thanksgiving), so I had to head off to WA state for the funeral (thanks to my in-laws and my sister -- babysitting and plane tickets/ arrangements). This same day, Troy had to fly to Vegas to pick up a truck for work and was to be gone 3-4 days. He needed to visit with his Grandpa who was sick ( he passed away in Dec.). So we left all the kids with Grandma and Grandpa. They have stayed with them before and no problems, but this time EmmaLece had some serious issues...... like she forgot how to use the toilet! When we finally made it back (spent an extra day because of the weather and the planes weren't flying and Troy got stuck because they closed the freeway in ID) she had developed a stuttering problem. It took a few months for her to get over the stuttering. We are still working on the whole potty thing. The thing that drives me the most batty abt the potty is: she can hold it across the entire state of MT! only going when we stop for gas about 3 times. MT is the 4th largest state and therefor to drive across it, is abt 700 miles! In Feb we went to Spokane for my sister's wedding and she was great IN THE CAR and as soon as we arrived anywhere, she forgot to use the potty! We had made great strides, I thought, when we went to ID for a family get-together in Aug., once again she was good in the car and then again forgot to use it. We have this issue daily at home, she has no idea where the potty is ... right there in the hall where it has ALWAYS been! But she chooses to go in her panties and then remember where the bathroom is and go change her panties! Aaaaarrrrgh! (She always remembers where the potty is if she needs to do #2!)
Scott, on the other hand decided a few months back that he was ready to be a big boy and (knock on wood) has had very few accidents, he even sleeps through the night and wakes up dry! Lately he NEEDS me to take him to the potty where before he was taking himself. Such is our daily potty struggle!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Yummy Dinner
Dancing Studio?
Savanna says "That doesn't look good! That doesn't! My picture."
On another note, I wanted to try the video post so I put it here.
Alter Egos
1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet name & current car)
This-Big Suburban
2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie)
Chocolate Almond Fudge Pumpkin Chocolate Chip
3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name)
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)
Purple Horse
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born)
Lucile Missoula
6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first)
7. SUPERHERO NAME: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink)
The Teal Orange Julius
8. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers)
Samuel Willard
9. STRIPPER NAME: ( the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy)
Navy Dark Chocolate
10.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s & father’s middle names )
Marcellita Henry
11. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter)
Eustance Eugene
12. SPY NAME/BOND GIRL: (your favorite season/holiday, flower)
Halloween Iris
13. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”)
Peach Jeany
14. HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree)
Chex Weeping Willow
15. YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: (”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”)
The Scrapbooking Lightening Tour
Monday, September 24, 2007
A walk in the leaves
Oh, Quiet Time!
"We like it. It tastes good, Mom."
Wall Art
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Free Spirit
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Clean Hands
When I stepped into the bathroom, and it was nice and quiet, they were all watching a Zak & Cody marathon on Disney..... When I stepped out of the shower, it sounded as though they had invited a herd of elephants over for play! Oh the sounds of motherhood!
Some fun shots of the kids... well the little ones
And the grumpy pirate .. he's mad cause EmmaLece stole the cowboy hat!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Getting to know ME

Well, I finished High School and Troy went to school (UTI for auto/deisel mechanics) in Phoenix. For Easter break, Troy came up to Ephrata and met my parents. We got married June 25th 1993 in the Seattle Temple. This is @ our reception.

By now I'm sure you are bored... and I'm tired of typing, so there you have it STUFF about us.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I can do it all by myself!
So the story behind this is:
The kids were all sitting at the table for a snack of (yes, you guessed it) apples. Sliced cored and plated with peanut butter. The older kids had just gotten home so they helped with the snack. I ran upstairs for a much needed potty break and came back to Scott having spit out all of his chewed-up peels onto the floor! AARRGGH!! So, I got out the vac and attempted to clean up, when he insisted that he was big enough to do it. And he did! Who says 3 yr old can't do chores? ! :-)
Free Time?!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Wonder Woman Award

My Family: Ryanne, Colleen, Megan (sisters), Myrna (my mom), Mary (my mother-in-law), China, Dawn, Monica, Glenda (sisters-in-law)
My Friends: Wendy Price, BJ, Doniece, Heather Steffen, Heather Swanson, Vicki, Tina, Jessica, Laura
My Blog Friends: Candace, Wendi, Kate, Cecily, Dawn, Melissa, G. Parker, Sherri, Linda, Andrea, Crystal, Heather, Anne, Keeley, Holly, Tristi, Manic Mom, Sam, Lauren, Aleta, Amy, Steph, Debra, Darla, Tan, Cynthia ...
I know the list could go on and on, so if you're listed here, copy the picture to your blog and tell us who you think is a Wonder Woman!
pencil rendition of our front room
Monday, September 17, 2007
things abt me
1) I'm #5 in a line of 8 children 4 boys and 4 girls
2) I have 6 kids 3 boys and 3 girls and somedays I'd have another one, just cause I love babies
3) I love to read about others' lives and see their pictures on their blogs
4) I HATE to fold laundry!
5) I LOVE to read and would spend the whole day reading if I didn't have a house full of children to care for
6) From the 2nd grade I let my hair grow until I my second child was 5 months old
7) I love to scrapbook with my friends and share ideas and a few kid-free moments
8) I've been married for 14 years to a wonderful man (there are days that he drives me batty and I'm sure I do the same to him)
9)I've lived in 3 states in 7 different locations in my life... only moved once as a kid the rest has been since I have been married. The longest time I have lived since getting married is 6 years and it is our current location.
10) I hate trying to get the chores done... but I'm not gonna do them... I did my share before the kids were old enough to do them, it's their turn!
It Is My Duty
It Is MY Duty
Someone came up to me the other day, this is what he said:
"I can see by your uniform, and the honor in your step, that you are a soldier. Tell me soldier, do you ever wish you were a civilian? Do you ever want to quit and say, 'let someone else take my place'? And soldier, do you ever feel frustrated and confused about the job you are asked to do? Do you ever let the anger, towards those you are meant to guard, interfere with your job?"
As this stranger questioned me, I couldn't help but feel hurt and unappreciated. So, when the stranger gave me time to answer, this was my reply:
"Well, stranger, you are correct in assuming that I am a soldier, here to defend your freedom, as well as mine. I am not going to lie to you, there has been a time or two when I've had my doubts. Sure, I have wanted to back out and let another fill my space. But, each time a thought like this crosses my mind, another quickly takes its place. I remember the hard work and dedication it took to get me here. I think of my family, home and country and remember that my duty to them is ever important. For if it weren't for my fellow soldiers and I, all would be lost and none would enjoy the simple pleasures in life. To your question of anger and confusion toward my duty, these things are unimportant and hardly cross my mind. Because it is a soldier's duty, we do a job many would refuse. So, stranger, I want to let you know that, yes I am a soldier, proud of my job, and ever ready to defend freedom, for all."
The stranger stood there and looked at me for awhile, then turned as if to walk away. But before he took a step, he paused and bowed his head for a moment. Then turned again to me, with a tear soaked face and said:
"Thank you soldier, for I lost my brother to enemy hands. He too was a soldier. I have been trying to find an answer to help me cope with my loss. Until this day, I have found no solace, but your words have comforted me. I now know his death was not in vain. So, I leave you with this prayer, "that you may be safe and always remember that your country cares for all its soldiers." The stranger then saluted me and carried on his way. As I watched him walk away, I shed a tear, knowing the pain of his loss and feeling the pride of his words. I will never forget that day or that single grateful American who I was honored to help. So, next time you see a soldier, stop and say 'thank you', for they defend your freedom and the American Way.
SPC Megan Flynn
16th Jan 2003, GTMO, Cuba
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Illegal DayCare?! What?!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Is it 5 o'clock yet?!
Mom: Riley, are you nasty?"
Riley: Yup."
Mom: "Go lay down so we came get that nasty changed." Riley goes to the changing area and then shows me his fingers.... "YUK! That's NASTY, Ri! That is why we keep our fingers out of our diaper!"
Now I have to go in search of his "fingerpainting"... uuuggh! Thankfully the twins never did this, but it was only a matter of time with Riley as he is always diaper digging. I spend the day saying "Ri, get our hands out of there!" Oh the joys of diapers!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The Tornado Twins and their sidekicks -- Rain and Wind
Where is Scott?
9/11 -- and Our brave Military men and women
The military is close to our hearts as I've had two brothers serve and a sister. My oldest brother has served in the Coast Guard and is currently serving in the Air National Guard. My brother just older than me served in the Air Force and served in Saudi Arabia in the early 90s. And my baby sister the youngest of 8 served as an MP in the Army for 6 years. She served in Korea, Guantanamo Bay, Afghanistan and Iraq. She is currently in the Guard and has also just recently become a mommy. I hate the thought of them calling her up to serve again in any of those areas and Shaylee possibly growing up without her Mommy, but I know she would go and serve with all her might for this country we love. It is So very important that we support our military and let them know they are loved and supported. Go to the link (thanks to Andrea http://momtothefey.blogspot.com/ for letting me re-visit it) and send an email to a solider. RCT-6letterfromh@gcenmf-wiraq.usmc.mil
Monday, September 10, 2007
Overheard Conversation...
Scott: "Please"
EmmaLece: "No, say it with your tummy."
(We taught the twins sign language to help us all understand each other before they could talk. We learned this with Robby and have had far less flying cups and hitting of people.)
Scott: "My tummy doesn't have a hand."
EmmaLece: "Sure it does." So, EmmaLece proceeds to take his hand and sign the word please for him....
Scott: "I can do it my self" As he removes her hand from his and signs it himself.
A few mins later Scott brings me his empty cuppy and informs me that, "Emmy drinked it all up down her drain and I need more, please (sign).
Wish I had the camera, but my hand was full of a peanut-butter sandwich. It was cute.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
New Extreme Sports and Hair Cuts
Introducing the new extreme sport of: Loaded Lazyboy Spinning. Riley was having a blast spinning Cody covered with: Scott, EmmaLece and Kyle. Laughs all around!
The extreme sport of: Fridge Climbing..... went upstairs after someone (I'm sure) and came back down to this! When asked what she was doing INSIDE the fridge, she said, "I am thirsty!" Notice the cup? It has milk in it!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Have You Ever Had THIS Conversation?
Mom "Are you done, Scott?"
Scott " No, I want to try and do a poo poo."
Mom "Well, could you let Mommy go and then try?"
Scott "No, I want to try NOW."
Mom " Scotty, Mommy really needs to go, please get off."
Scott "Do you need the stool?"
Mom "No, I think I can reach without it thanks... now get off PLEASE!"
Scott "Do you need the potty seat?"
Mom "No, my bum is way to big for that... please Scott get OFF!"
Scott "Ok"
He gets down and the conversation continues:
Scott "Do you need toilet paper, Mommy?"
Mom "Yes."
Scott "Let me get it for you."
Mom "No, that's OK I can get it."
At this point Scott takes the toilet paper and rips off the corner of one square and hands it to me with his biggest 'I'm such a good helper" smile.
Mom "I don't think that will do."
He then proceed to get me more paper one square at a time until I finally get it from him!
Tomorrow I'm gonna find 5 mins to take only me to the potty!