Shantel was boring today only made one trip to the park with Savanna and Robby, then sat watching TV.
I'm sore, we played volleyball tonight. It was SO much fun. Shantel played with us and by the end she was actually going after the ball. Cody played the last game since one couple left early.
I'm SO excited, tomorrow my Mother-in-law and I are going to the all-state choir concert! Yeah us! :-) {My sister told me tonight that My niece had made a northwest states choir and they will perform in Canada in Jan!} Also going to the temple and hopefully meeting my sister there {they have to drive 6 hrs, we only have a 3 hour drive}. Then we are planning to go to Olive Garden for dinner {this is a big deal, we don't really have nice places to eat in this tiny map dot} and finally hit the concert {which I still need to get directions to}. We will be spending the night {the guys don't want us driving home at that late hour} then come home in the morning. My Father-in-law is going to watch the kids since Troy's hours are such that he won't be home at night {fun for him!:-) }
I hope I don't go into withdraw.... missing my blogging buds and I'm gonna be behind! :P Have a great Friday.... I'll try and take a few pix.
Enjoy your time! Love the pics of the kids playing!
Cynthia- dang you're quick! I'm so looking forward to it, thanks. I just got smart enough to add a profile pix!
Oh, you'll totally go into withdrawal.
Have a great time!
(My hubby was a drummer. I think it's so cute.)
DQ- I know.. I'm sure I'm gonna get the BDTs! (blogger de tox)
Sounds like fun. I think it's tradition that if you go to the temple you have to go to the Olive Garden. There are so many of us that do! :) Our dinky town doesn't have anything good either!
Melissa- Yeah for Olive Garden! Good to know that I'm not the only one who lives in a map dot! :-)
I'm a Red Devil too! Only from Springville Utah, how cool is that?
Man I can't keep up on your blog, I love reading though!
(Now to get the smarts for my OWN profile pix!)
What fun pictures! Great choice for the profile picture!
I love your new profile picture! Have fun!
You WILL go into withdrawal; during my 6-hr drive, I composed blogs in my head the entire time. I was wishing I had an iphone so I could blog WHILE in the car.
There's no help.
Have a fun trip & ENJOY Olive Garden. I love that place.
p.s. i SO love the b&w photo of the 3 kids. One of my favorites i've EVER seen on a blog. Frame that on a wall! That's an order!
Just LOVE that black and white picture of you and your kids. =) Really sweet.
I also think it's funny that the text above the big picture of your family reads "It's us". =D =D
Steph-go Red Devils! :-)
Holly-Thanks... we love taking pix.. more to come like Monday.
Amz-Thanks We had a blast!
Crystal-We had a blast, but I won't say much as i've composed a post .... I want to frame that pix as I've been trying to get a good shot of the twins and I since they were born for a frame my friend got me....
Keeley-Thanks, black n white shots are just cool, huh?
LOVE the new profile picture! I think I wouldn't dare to do that poll/quiz on how addicted you are to blogging...I love to think that I am so "immune" to things that I can take them or leave them...then, as we were coming home from out of town last night, I was wishing that I had my laptop with me to both journal for the kids and write on my blog. I have found that writing just gives me some kind of "fix" that I didn't realize I needed until I noticed that when I journal or update my Bebo page, I just get a sense of fulfillment. I do it more for a personal satisfaction but really love when others visit too-Carrie, you were my first "visitor" and I was pleasantly surprised you found and commented on my blog. I had had a private blog before that my sisters and some of my closer friends shared but I noticed that they didn't really get into it as much as I did so it kind of fizzled away. This world of blogging with others was a foreign concept that I'm quickly finding a love for! :)
Darla- I know what ya mean..(only I haven't got a lap top..) But I have wait until I get home! I enjoy reading your blog and am glad that I found it too! :-) Thanks for sharing your life with me. I know what ya mean that it 'mostly' for me... but I sure do love getting comments and 'meeting'new people in the blogging world. :-)
I'm behind on your blog! I don't know why...I thought I was stalking you sufficiently but I guess not!
I love the picture of you and the two kids. Way cute! You and I both got smart enough to add a picture to our profiles at the same time! Woo Hoo!
Cecliy- Oh you make me laugh! I've spent the day literally catching up on all my blog frinds recent posts. My husband asked if the computer was my new home! Ah yeah! I was going through withdraws. I like your profile pix. Did you take it in Sepia mode? I like that mode and balck n white mode.
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