The first stop on our adventure was this beautiful edifice. We met up with my sister, Colleen, her husband, 2 of her kids and their bishop's son {his girlfriend was also in the choir}. My brother-in-law was sick on the way over {he has been recovering from heart surgery} and so it was a good thing they brought along the bishop's son, he took the kids and Colleen's husband to the motel. {I took these pictures on Sat. because we were pressed for time on Friday. Plus we had to come back since my mother-in-law forgot her overnight bag here and we didn't realize it until after the concert at 10:30!} There is such a peaceful feeling on the Temple grounds.

The second stop after we got Colleen's family was, of course, The Olive Garden! Dinner was delish! Then we had to rush off to the concert which was about 20 mins across town. We were in such a hurry that Colleen forgot to get her debit card back from the server {she didn't realize this until after the concert}.

This is my cute niece, Hosanna. She tried out for this All State Choir at the end of last school year. You record yourself singing scales and a few songs selected by the judges and then wait until the beginning of the next year to find out if you made it. At the same time she sent in a CD for the All Northwestern Choir. They found out on Thursday if they made that choir.... she did! They will have a performance in Vancouver, Canada in Feb. 08. Once they learn they made the choir, they are sent the music to practice. Then they spend 2 1/2 days as a choir and put on a performance that you would think they had been working on for months! It was amazing! Besides the choir we listened/watched the band and orchestra performances. They were first rate.

The choir. It was difficult to get a good close up shot of Hosanna... these are my attempts with a little tweaking on the computer, they don't look too bad.
Hosanna and I stayed up talking until 3 am! I think the girl could have talked ALL night, but I was dead tired, so we gave in and finally hit the sack!

P.S. here is a shot of Hokan after his race. Scott calls him "Pokan".

Sounds like a great weekend...
Sounds like a really wonderful weekend! How far do you have to travel to the temple? It's beautiful. We are blessed to live within 10 minutes of the Portland temple. Makes going a whole lot easier. Did you know that I'm LDS too?
Angie- I figured you were LDS when you mentioned not having cleaned your building in a while. We are 3 hours from two temples Billings and Bismark. We are in the Billings temple distric. The pictures are of Billings. We had a great time... good food, good people and good music and a trip to the temple, what more can ya ask for?! :-)
Your temple pictures are so beautiful!
Sounds like you had fun! I love Olive Garden. We don't go there much because it's too far (ahem, that means it takes about 30 mintues). :) Looks like the choir concert was great!
DQ- Thanks I kinda went crazy taking them I only posted a few. I wasn't sure how they would come it with it bieng a grumpy looking day.
Lauren- The concert wwas awesome. The Olive Garden is so close to you compared to a 3 hour drive. We have to drive an hour just to get to a Wal-mart! :-)
So happy to hear your weekend went well!! How exciting for you niece making the choir!! Parents of an old friend of mine, used to visit the Billings temple once a year, as they had both been raised near there. It is a beautiful, calming place.
I LOVELOVELOVE that her name is Hosanna and she sings in a choir! That is so perfect! Glad you had such a fun, uplifting getaway :)
Cynthia and Crystal- thanks we did have a wonderful time. The peace at the temple is like a recharge for your soul. Hosanna used to have a hard time with her name {as did some of the family}, but now at 17 she is good with it and loves her name. We are all good with it too and could not picture her as anything but Hosanna. Her mom used to sing "..and sing Hosanna to his name.." as "..and Hosanna is her name.." really quiet so only those close by could hear.:-)
What a beautiful temple! Sounds like you had fun!
Brooke- Thanks and we did. Thanks for dropping by, too.
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