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Quote of the month...
from Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra by Obert Skye
my family
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
What's your medium? and your preferred canvas?
Now with any luck in a few {like 9 or 10} years she will have moved on to these types of mediums:
These are two of Cody's graded art projects. This is his first year of art. He has noticed why the wrestler got a B instead of and A .... do you see it? He only has half a left arm ... and a hand! But everything else looks pretty good {if I do say so myself}! :-)
Monday, October 29, 2007
Trunk or Treat
David and Troy -- I'd just told David, he'd dressed up as a looser in that shirt! Pooooor Bobcats! I'm a Griz fan and he bought this shirt to bug me and other friends who are Griz fans. He also bought a Griz shirt, but tends to wear this one more often-- gets a rise out more people... I wasn't the only one to tell him he was dressed as a looser! He then asked his wife for a glass of water to pour on me and my camera--- nice friends I've got, huh?
Robby got some stubble for his pirate costume.
Hannah Montana {aka Shantel} and Tigger {aka Heather - married to David}.
Savanna and EmmaLece get some face painting done.
The jester {aka Cody}.
Spiderman {aka Scott} gives Dora a hug.
Shantel tries out the doughnut eating contest. No hands, but you can use your shoulders.
It looked so fun, I had to challenge these two .......
Sorry ladies, I win! You had to have the whole thing in your mouth to win, I couldn't breathe cause I stuffed in {as you can tell from the picture!}.
Savanna competes against her sister.
Time for the pinata! The young women made this bat out of a milk jug and papiermache` wings, it was pretty strong. I think all the kids got to take a whack at it.
Savanna takes her turn.
Cody was the first to actually get 3 good whacks on the jug. Finally the young women's president broke it open -- But I think she was cheating ... her head was tilted up so as to see just where the jug was.
The fight over I mean rush for the candy!
There was also 'booling' in the hall. EmmaLece knocked these over on her first throw... this is the action shot of her second attempt.
Scott and David.
Shantel and I -- Self portrait. All in all it was a fun evening. There were some nicely decorated trunks out in the parking lot and a prize for the spookiest. What a mess there was to clean up inside afterwards! It fell on our turn to clean the church! Thankfully there were others who also stayed and we had it done and headed home by a little after 9 pm.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Wow! I was Tagged...
1) I'm pretty sure that I'm boring! No really, I'm sure people only like me because of my children or that my husband is so entertaining. I think that people are friends with us because of Troy and that they just tolerate me. I honestly told one of my friends that, and well, she just laughed at me and said I was silly. :D
2) I love Halloween, I love playing dress-up with the kids. I'm pretty sure that I have more fun than the kids.
3) I hate to fold laundry -- now, I'll wash and dry it all day long but I just can't stand to fold -- my kids learn to fold at an early age, I don't care what it looks like as long as they given it the ol "college try" and it get into their drawers/closets.
4) I love to read, but this wasn't always the case .... when I was in grade school, I had to go to a one on one reading class twice a week with Mrs. (Myrna) Chaney. Once it caught on, well there was NO stopping me. I read mostly historical fiction, fiction and fantasy/sci fi. I fall asleep if the book is too educational or has no story. I also will read biographies, if is someone I really want to know more about. Mostly I read for pleasure.
5) I love babies -- little ones that can't talk back.
6) I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters. I have 9 nieces and 12 nephews {one more due in Feb 08}. I have 3 sons and 3 daughters.
7) I love taking pictures, scrapbooking and blogging.
And one more for good measure. 8) I love getting together Friday or Saturday nights and playing games/cards with friends {refer to #1 on the friends :D}
And now I tag {drum roll, please}......... Heather, Andrea, Angie, Darla, Tina, Michelle, Keeley, Melissa, and Sherri. OK, so I tagged a few extra ... some may have been tagged before-- want everyone to get a chance. There are several others I could have and would have except I read on their blogs that others already tagged you.
Preparing for Trunk or Treat...
chess. Now I'm not any good at this game and frankly I can't ever remember how the pieces move, but Cody has always liked it and in 2nd grade he checked out a book that taught him all about how to play. So he played Savanna and then she played Robby.. {Robby is a SORE looser} and Cody killed Savanna and Savanna creamed Robby! He started in on his usual tantrum, but at the suggestion he should then head off to bed, he changed his tune.
Others still were involved in making cupcakes for the Cupcake Walk, that the Bishopric is in charge of. I found the recipe in the National Geographic for Kids:
Pumpkin Cupcakes
1 cup vegetable oil 3 cups sugar
4 Eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla
4 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon ginger 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
2 cups canned (or stuff you've cooked) pumpkin
Preheat oven to 350. Line two 12-cup muffin tins with baking cups. In one bowl, mix the oil, sugar, eggs, and vanilla together. In a separate bowl, combine the dry ingredients. Stir the wet ingredients into the wet ingredients just until blended. Add the pumpkin to the mixture. Distribute the batter evenly among the baking cups. Bake for 20-25 mins. Cool completely and frost with cream cheese frosting.
For your viewing pleasure:
Creative juices flowing. Cody did the first one, then it was getting time for bed and so I had to suffer through the rest.....
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Let your Light shine...
Our older boys....

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Vacummes and other RANDOM things...
Snuck into the kitchen to see what was going on and this is what I found. "We're cooking food!" they said. What they really were doing was unloading the check book and coloring in pink marker all over anything they could find ... like the checks, the counter, any paper within reach!Wish you could have seen her sliding down the rail, it was SO funny! Troy thought that she was going to fall over the edge and that would not have been cool, but she did it several times while I tried to get a good shot. Scott never got it down, he just chased her down the steps instead.
Scott said: "We're pirates and bad guys! The bad guy is going to chase the pirate and then tie him up and OK?"
Have any of you got these 'projects' parked around your houses?
This spring, Troy and David came by the house and unloaded this old tractor and parked it in our garage. So far, they have spent all of one afternoon working on it. And in July Troy and I took a little road trip with David and Heather to My sister's house and picked up this new project:This is a 1972 Chevy 3-door Suburban. The guys were SO excited to get it! They have spent about 2 hours checking it out and Troy bought a new gas cap! WooHoo, at this rate it will be a new century before they get either one running! :-) Actually it takes $$ to have fix-it hobbies {or any hobby} and well we're broke! If they ever get them fixed up and running the kids are begging that they do the 4th of July parade. Don't hold your breath kids, you'll be old enough to drive before these are ready for their debut!
Ever listen to people and think, they use one word ALOT? This past weekend Hosanna and I stayed up forever {as I said here} and I decided that RANDOM is her favorite word! I think she used that word nearly every sentence! Here is an example of one of the things Hosanna said when I told her that I was glad we had come to the concert: "Yeah, it's cool when random relatives show up." It cracked me up, and then I wondered what word do I use excessively? Do you have a favorite word?
I'm working on my posture! My grandma use to make us "sit up straight, put your shoulders back" and I use to think she was crazy! As she got older and I noticed things more, I realized that she had developed that hump on her back ... you know, the one lots of older people have... and I thought "if I continue to slouch, I too will have one of these?" My grandma also had broken her back twice I think and this may have contributed to it, but I don't want the Quasimodo hump! From now on I'm going to "sit up straight"! I sat through the whole concert like this, and boy was my back tired but I will persevere! :-)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Pumpkins and awards
Monday, October 22, 2007
Ice Cream Personality test ... just for fun

OK, add chocolate and ya got my favorite cookie!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The Temple, Montana All State Choir and such