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Quote of the month...
"Standing tall is a very admirable thing. There are very few stories in history of heroes who slouched to the rescue. Likewise, most individuals don't look up to people who are drooped over."
from Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra by Obert Skye
from Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra by Obert Skye
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Sunday, March 2, 2008
52 Weeks of Blessings -- week 9-- Literacy
This week I'm grateful for the blessing of literacy! I know that there are still places in this world where children and adults can not read and do not have the opportunity to learn. I am so thankful to have been born in a country and in an age where most people can read and have the opportunity to learn! I couldn't imagine not being able to read! What great adventures the written word opens to us. It is SO exciting to watch children "get it" and take off reading! I ♥love♥ to read and I hope and pray that my children also have and develop this wonderful blessing! Following are small samples from our collection -- with a few from the library thrown in!
Children's books! Who doesn't ♥love♥ a good children's book?! Every night I read 2 to 4 books to the twins. They are finding their favorites and memorizing them! :)
For the older {and not so old}! We have all the Harry Potter books but I could locate them all {must be hiding in a room!}
And then some for the a bit older than the kids ... or maybe for the teens too! Whether you're learning, laughing, living in a fantasy, or crying, there is nothing like a good book! I'm thankful for the blessing of literacy!
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Amen, I don't know where I would be without the comfort and knowledge I get from books!
I TOTALLY agree!!! I love that both my children love books and at any given point in the day will bring me one and climb up on my lap to read it!
Literacy is a wonderful blessing!!!
Literacy is absolutely a wonderful blessing! I love reading.
HEAR HEAR!!! I agree that books are a blessing. I love to read and hope to instill this in my children!
Books are a great blessing. My kids love to be read books.
We're reading a lot of the same books to our toddlers. I am a sucker for a nice children's book. Some of my favs are old obscure ones I've found at thrift stores.
I love books too!! I can't imagine not being able to read!! I think of my ancestors who were illiterate and it always make me sad. What a wonderful blessing to read!!
Awesome! I see some of our favorites in there too!
This is such a great blessing! Reading is amazing!
♥ I'm with you! LOVE to read, LOVE books and so far so do the kids... :)
This is a great blessing. We are lucky to live in such a great country where literacy is important! And there is nothing like a good book!!!
Reading is a fantastic blessing to choose, and it's always inspiring to hear about moms who read to their kids.
Books are awesome! It is great that you have such a love for them because it stems down to your children. It is such a blessing to know, and be able to learn to read.
I wanted to attack those juicy piles of books!
I love reading too!!We are lucky, so very lucky.
I've been visiting but not able to comment lately. Now just as I start, Isabella is revving up! You're changing your look lately (your blog "skin" or background)! Very nice! Nice post...our kids LOVE to read and I've noticed with each of our kids, as they learn to read and learn to love to read, everything else, math, social, science, follows along in its wake. They really start to excel in all subjects after their reading gets going! I love to read too, as does my husband, so there are lots and lots of books in our house! As a matter of fact, my husband and my sister's fiancee started this book exchange up between the two of them..they will gather up a brown paper bag up of a variety of books (Tom Clancy, John Grishom, David Morrell, Robert Ludlum) when they know they're going to see each other and they will exchange them. Now my hubby's brother joined them and now one of my sisters started dipping into the books at times. REading is great!!!
Very true! If you ask livia what her name is she says Stellaluna. Nobody ever knows what she is talking about. She likes to pretend to be the baby bat.
I love to see what other families are reading. Thanks for sharing some of your favorites.
I was sorting through the books today and found so many more I wish I had added to the pictures! Also realized that I seem to be missing some..... like One Fish Two Fish, Green Eggs and Ham, and Are you My Mother? .... wonder just where they could have goten to?
We love books here too!
Cute glasses!
Your house looks like our house. Books, books, and oh look, more books! Love it!!!
I am so glad to see that you can find time to read to them. I love to read to my grandchildren now that all of my kiddos are grown. It is a really special time for all of us.
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