Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeekIt's that time of year (round here) when you start to see the cars marked with yellow:
STUDENT DRIVER signs! The summer Driver's Ed classes started May 18th. The first day in June the kids (70+) took to the roads.

June 5th we took a short drive to the driver's licensing office and Cody commenced to take the "written" test.

When he passed they took his picture and issued him a first phase license -- a learners permit.

As promised, I let him drive home. I was
terrified! My heart beat faster and I was sure we would crash! I was positive that he would not stop at red lights or stop signs, I was certain that he could not make a smooth right or left hand turn, I was petrified he would not be aware of other drivers and we would wind up wrapped around a pole!
We made it home, and in one piece. He didn't hit the house when he pulled into the driveway either!
We were home long enough for me to fall breathlessly into Troy's chest and relate how terrified I was! Then it was time for Troy to take the plunge and ride along to Cody's driver's ed class.

Troy makes sure to put on his seat belt!

And they are off....
He was SO excited that he forgot to bring his book to class, I had to run ....I mean drive... it over to him.
I called my mom, I had to tell her what a terrifying experience I had just had! All she said was "I did that 8 times". Hello! I needed sympathy!!!!! My baby boy, my first born, was behind the wheel of my suburban!
Whoever decided it was a good idea for teenagers to drive?! (OK, let's not even go to the 'you were a teen driver once...') I swear to you, when they issue your child a learners license, they should equip you, the parent, with a stack of those yellow:
STUDENT DRIVER magnets for your car, seriously people should be warned!!!! There is a reason this vehicle is acting like a loose cannon!!!
I'd post a picture of my terrified face, but I was too busy holding on and trying not to scream to take a self portrait!
He's getting better, I think.... Troy rode on the freeway with him tonight (Wednesday) and lived to tell the tale! It's looking like we just might survive this experience ..... but June's not over yet!
P.S. Stay off the sidewalks! :)