Have you ever just sat there and thought:
This "Mom Job" is not what I bought?!
Sitting there thinking: THIS is no fun
I don't want to be here, away from the sun!
So just for this minute, this hour, this day
I'll have The Cat over to play!
Today I'll just be 'da bomb'
It's somebody else's turn to be "Mom"!Dishes and diapers are really NOT fun
Neither are sticky messes and chewing gum!
So tell me, Cat, tell me: What can you do?
That Hat Cat was ready for me
"Oh, I have something, just you wait and see..."
Then that Cat, he did say, "How 'bout a NEW trick?
Oh yes! Let's find out just WHAT makes you tick!
Laundry & housework sit there, you stay.
For I'm having a The Hat Cat over today!
We'll run through the house
And disturb every mouse!
We'll fly kites & and never think twice
Oh, won't that be lovely & nice?!
Huh, what's that you say?
I have bill here to pay?
Oh, No No No, this won't take too long
You bills, get back in that cupboard where you belong!
I'm dancing & playing & singing today
'Cause The Cat has come to play!
Dust Bunnies stay hidden far far away
I'm out with The Hat Cat, just for the day!
We're running & jumping & flying for pay!
Don't I have errands, you ask
Today, I'll not be doing THAT task!
It's snowmen & snow forts in which we will bask.
After-all, this day, it just won't last!
Hurry, come on, Thing Two and Thing One

Yes, sand castles, bike rides & mud pies
Swimming & hiking & top-secret spies!
Mountains to climb, crossing bridges that sway!
For The Cat, just HOW long can he stay?
Dinner & homework here in a rush?
Oh, what's that? You hear the school bus?
Come, Cat grab these Things & hide us away!
Lock us up tight in the box with the hook
No, don't you dare take a second look!
Hurry, now hurry, before they come in
"My time is all up. Oh, what a time it has been!"
Said that Hat Cat with a sad kind of laugh
"It's almost time to be checking spelling and math!
Now, now this just won't do...
I'll not have any of THAT, from you!
I've been here, I've come
And we've had us some fun!
You, hold tight to the hands right here beside you
Take a moment or two, yes, just that!
And remember..... you heard it....
Straight from The Cat!
Carrie Flynn Keiser
Feb 11, 2008
© 2008 (do not copy with out my permission!)
Awesome job Carrie! You are so talented - I loved it! Makes me want to keep the kids home for a day and go have some fun!
SuperCoolMom- Thanks! We've been on a Dr. Seuess kick round here and after I read both the Cat in the Hat books I just strated having silly verses run through my head. Was up til 1:30 tweeking them and drawing the Cat!
Wow. You've got a great talent for rhyming! I think I'd like a day like that too!
What a fun adventure! :) Great job!
Carrie, that was a fun poem to read. You are so talented and you can draw too! (At first I really thought that poem was by Dr Seuss!)
Holly, Andrea & Emy5- Thanks you guys are too kind! My son, Cody is going to help me illistrate it and make a little book out of it before I send it to my dad. It was fun I'm glad that you all enjoyed it! :)
So good! I need to spend more time making messes with MY Thing 1 and Thing 2. I really don't know what I would do without bill pay either!! Thanks for sharing your poem and drawing.
Shellie- Thanks for reading it! I'm glad you {all of you} liked it. It was fun putting it down on the paper and sharing it.
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