This week's blessing is..... Rain!

We are finally getting some spring weather, warmer and some rain. I love the smell 'of earth right after rain'. Rain helps the plants to grow and turns the world green again!

I love a soft gentle rain to go walking in!

Rain also provides mud, and what kid doesn't enjoy playing in the mud?

I love "rain smell," too! Best smell ever.
Hey--thanks for the comment you just left on my blog. Cheered me right up. I have been missing awhile, haven't I?! Been on bedrest & fighting a big case of the BLUES. Ugh.
What a bummer I hope things are looking up!
♡ I love the rain too! We've had a bunch of moisture which is good since we had been fasting for it in our area! Today at Stake Conference our Stake President asked us to fast (we were thinking he might say more moisture) for gratitude for the moisture that we've recieved! We've been in drought type conditions for years! Great blessing!
Gotta love rain and this season! Sounds like you don't mind a bit of mud too! What an adventure on the trail.
Rain is the best!!!
thanks for visiting my blog! You have a beautiful family! Rain is definitely a blessing, and we could sure use some of it in our area!
Love the smell of rain on the desert!!
I love the rain! So soothing, and it smells so good! Wish we could get some here!
What great pictures! =) I love the rain too...and the hot sunshine. Mmmmm. =)
I love the part about kids enjoying the mud! I love rain too, what a great blessing. I too love the smell and that it waters my lawn (I don't have a sprinkling system)
oh... rain is starting to stop falling here. wet season is turning to dry. I guess the rain is moving from here to there :D
Great blessing! I also love the rain, just not for long periods of time. Enjoy!
Ah, finally spring!!!! and mud :) nice scrapbook pages.
I love rain too!! I love spring & wish it would come & stay!!
Rain...definitely a blessing!
I love to sleep when it is raining. There is nothing like it!
I enjoyed visiting your blog!
I saw your scrapbook slid show and was wondering how you did it. Did you scan your scrapbook pages into the computer after putting them together on paper or did you do them directly on the computer? You really do a good job with this.
Congratulations! Spring has arrived! Now for all the fun...
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