Have you need of a lock pick?! This is EmmaLece breaking into the bathroom! We have a sliding pocket door, and well, the twins find it quite entertaining to lock it when they leave! I discovered that, with the use of a butter knife, you can pop off the button cover and unlock the door. Em has been present for many unlocks, so when her brother locked her out in order to "rest" in peace, she went down and grabbed a butter knife and went to work! Problem was that she was actually taking out the screws! These are shots of her replacing them!
Evening outfits! Yup, you guess it, they wore these unique outfits to bed!
This is what Savanna calls: Super-lady-tady!
I was typing away on the evening of Dec. 2nd, when I heard laughing and bumping .... I turned around and found Scott "sledding" down the stairs! He was having such a good time. Then they both got in for an adventure. The kicker was that it was about 10:30 pm and the rest of the kids were trying to sleep! They do this about every other day now. There have been a few crashes, but they enjoy it SO much it's hard to now say: "NO". :)
I was putting together and typing my talk for Sunday the 9th on Friday the 7th, when I turned to check on the kiddos..... This is what I saw! They had been having a pen party. They also decorated Riley ... written all over his hands. {sorry a little out of focus}
Close-ups of the art work!
Funny side note to this story: On Sunday, Riley's sister told me that he had been scrubbed clean Friday night and by Saturday afternoon he was redecorated. When his dad asked what happened, he replied, "Emmy did it!" And where was the accused? With her family 30+ miles away! They learn early to put the blame elsewhere! :)
During nap time, Scott and I made bread. I used to make all the bread for the family until I had the twins! I figured I could get back to that and so here we are trying out a recipe that makes 5 loaves. Gave my poor mixer a workout! Actually, the bowl won't even hold half the flour it calls for and so I got it mixed to a little thicker than cake batter and poured in on the counter to knead in the rest of it {about 10 cups}! Scott was such a good helper, measuring ingredients, and kneading in the flour.
We made 9 small loaves that night and the rest went into the fridge for the following day. We gave the little ones away to the neighbor and friends as Christmas gifts. I figured I'd used enough that it would just make 3 loaves .... well, it sure grew! If you look close, one loaf has a black mark on it, it grew so much that it hit the top heating coil! It was a good day for baking bread. A week later I made this recipe again and well the weather was different and it didn't turn out AT ALL! I was SO mad! I had to throw it all out because it didn't grow and therefor didn't bake properly, still had some doughy spots. :(
This entire post just made me smile! Your kids are so entertaining!
Lauren- aww thanks!
Fun pictures Carrie! Your kids always look like they're having so much fun!
I'm not so sure they would agree! I could take pictures of them doing chores and homework, but nah! :D I think it is important to let them have fun {as long as no one is getting hurt and nothing is broken at the end of the day!} We use to play baseball, have water fights and once a snoball fight all in the house! {yes, at least one parent was present for most of these fun times!} :)
I wanna come stay at your house for a few days, just for the fun! (and the bread would be nice, too...) :)
Never a dull moment, eh?
Wow, I LOVE The sledding down the stairs! Holy Cow, I wanna come & sled down the stairs with the twins!! Woo Hoo!!
I think you're amazing for even attempting to make bread!! Right on, I wouldn't even know where to start!
Andrea- Come on over! :) Nothing like coming into a house with the smell of fresh baked bread! yum!
Kate- The door's open and the sledding is free! :) My mother told me when I got engaged that I NEEDED to know how to bake bread so I could take my frustrations out on the dough! Either I have a LOT of frustrations, or I LOVE fresh bread just out of the oven with real butter slathered all over it! ... :)
I remember sliding down a neighbors stairs in a laundry basket with my friend. Such fun! I had forgotten. Thanks for that trip down memory lane....and bread....YUMMMM!
Vonda- You're welcome! My sister and I took our little rocking chairs and slid down the hillside ... about the same thing, huh?! :)
Your kids are so much fun! I really like the sledding, but glad we don't have steps for my nosy little one beside me to get ideas. But we do the "sock skating" on the tile floors.
The bread looks so delicious. I made bread when I had 8 at home and now rarely make it. You would think I would make more with less to worry about!!
I love their sense of style! And the ways they entertain themselves - too much fun!
Wow... our kids are so much alike. Though I do not know if my heart could take the stair sledding!!
Cynthia- We have a few who "sock skate" on our slick floors too! Ya gotta have fun, right! :) Yeas and less to feed with the bread! My mom was the same way, made bread when we were young and does it only rarely now that it's just her and dad. {came from a family of 8 kids}:)
Kelly- Kids are pretty entertaining! They crack me up! :P
Debra- Amazing how you can find kids like yours, huh? I'm always thinking "Only my kids" then I run into someone who tels me their kids do the same thin! :D Small world:)
Haha, your kids are GREAT! =) Your bread turned out really good as well. =)
Keeley- Thanks! The next time I made tat recipe, it didn't turn out at all! I think it had something to do with the weather. At least that's my excuse! :D
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