Then it was time for goodbyes and a photo or two with Aunt Claudia's beautiful Christmas tree.
Our best sides! :)
Thank you Aunt Claudia and Uncle Byron for having us in your home. We really had a great visit with you and your family.
Cris drove us to the airport where we saw a bit of what runs the Vegas economy -- gaming of course.
The lights and colors beckon to the weary traveler....
one armed bandit stand neatly in rows calling out...
with their promises of big money
be careful or you too will be sucked in!
Our plane is ready for boarding to Denver.
the next photos were all taken from my window on the flight from Vegas to Denver.
On the runway we see the big casinos and hotels as well as some helicopters.
The waiting line behind our plane.
In the air we get one final glimpse of Vegas.
The water levels have sure dropped on Lake Meade.
Just really liked how the clouds looked off the wing.
It is amazing how the earth looks from above!
The Colorado River winds off in the distance.
It's so different from the ground level views one normally has.
The earth is a very beautiful place!
Canyon lands
approaching the Denver airport we flew over a high school.
On the ground in Denver.
We were supposed to board the plane for Glendive at 5:45, but there were several delays. First we heard there were weather issues and a few flights to the general area were cancelled. Then our plane had troubles and they had to switch it out twice! Finally at 9:30 we got to board the plane home. We flew from Denver to Gillette, WY to drop two passengers, fuel up and de-ice. The pilot told us that he slid the plane into the disembarking area and then warned the ground crew that if we were unable to land in Glendive we'd be back! Thankfully we landed in Glendive without a hitch the big storm slated for the area had missed us! We got home about 12:30 AM to a house full of sleeping kids and one grateful sitter who could go home and sleep in her own bed! We are ever grateful to those who watched our kids for the week so we could both go to Vegas for Nana's services and that we could visit with family and friends while there.

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
I'm so glad you were able to go and pay your respects and also visit with your relatives. Again, I'm very sorry for your loss.
That breakfast made me so hungry :) The shot of the wing of the airplane is beautiful!
awesome photos from the plane! so glad u got home in the end!
and RIP nana :) hugs
I LOVE your pictures!!! I look forward to your Friday posts:) Wishing you and your family a very "MERRY CHRISTMAS"!!!
Cool! such an awesome pictures.
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