Just love baby toes and little shoes!
Such a precious blessing.....
given to make this wonderful couple a family.
Daddy love
Mommy kisses!
Last Saturday, was the girl's choice formal, Co-Ed. Shantel really REALLY wanted to go and we discussed it and said she could go to the dance but not with a date, as she is too young for dating. She bought a solo ticket. I did her hair and her nails, she just stayed home and ate dinner with us, then we took her to the school to meet up with her friends.
A princess ready for the ball!
Kicking it before the dance with one of her buds.
And yet another bud.
At formal dances here, they have a grand march..... right out of a fair tale, like Cinderella. They announce each girl and her escort. Shantel was escorted by the neighbor kid. They march across the stage meeting in the middle and he hands her a flower, takes her arm and they march down the steps.
It was pretty cool! I'm fairly sure this was the first of many formal dances we will attend the Grand March for!
Shantel and her besties!
This sweet girl has recently had to move to another town and she was able to come back and attend the dance.
This bud came to the grand march but not to the dance.
Of course we had a few pilgrims round here....
Don't ya love these outfits? Freshly made at school! Em was worried about having to dress up as a pilgrim, so she wore an Indian dress to school! :)
Tonight, we had the light parade, cold but fun.
The reason for the season. A float sponsored by one of the churches.
A classic Christmas story.
I loved how they covered this old truck in lights.
After the light parade we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house. It is time to let Nana know it is OK for her to go home, if it is time.
We gathered together this evening to tell Nana that it is OK with us if she is ready to return to her Father in Heaven. Before we entered the room, we sat down in the living room where Grandma and Grandpa explained how Nana has not really eaten the last few days, despite their efforts to feed her and that she is unresponsive to touch or talk, and that it just might be time for her to return Home. Some of the kids were not really hip on going into the room and basically saying good-bye. I was able to convince them to step into the room for a photo. (Robby was sleeping over at a friend's house.)
The big girls quickly left as the "it's OKs" were said.
Em loves her Nana and she stepped up to the bed and took Nana's old frail hand in her young strong one and just held it for a few minutes.
Scott stepped up next to her, but didn't touch her. She was breathing and sleeping and we're not sure she knew we were there. I think this helps us to let her go, when she is ready.
As I type this I am having to do as Shantel and wipe my tears. Shantel's friend was there to comfor her and Savanna.
EmmaLece grabbed a tissue and snuggled up. When Grandpa went in to check on her later, Em was right there to see if her Nana was still breathing. Life lessons are hard on the young and the old. Each of us is allotted our time here on earth, we must love and cherish those placed in our timeline.
P.S. Nana was called home today, 11-27-10.

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli