Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeekOn Monday, there was no school, so Troy took Cody and Scott to help Grandpa get his new washer and dryer. Troy called to say that he would be going to the grocery store and then to K-mart was there anything else I needed. I asked him to please get Cody some new socks, as I was folding clothes and ALL of his were sporting huge holes in them. Troy said he wasn't going to buy him new socks because he doesn't tie his shoes... I told him he had to get him new socks even if he doesn't tie his shoes. I hate to tie mine and never do unless I'm out riding or playing volleyball, so what's the big deal? Anyway, because of the time and appointments, Troy brought the boys home and went to finish helping his dad. I took Em to the doctor for her foot .. she has a nasty plantars wart on the bottom of her foot causing her pain, the Doc froze it and we headed back home.(long story for another post.) While I was gone, Troy gave Cody permission to go hang out with his buddy until dinner time. When we got home, Troy said he'd bought Cody some socks and himself some too, since they were on sale. He got different styles so they wouldn't get them mixed up. (Cody's foot is one size smaller than Troy's.) I thought this was a wise idea and promptly put it out of my mind.
Cody arrived home and I said: "Cody, Dad bought you some new socks, I think they are on your bed."
He replied: "Cool," and ran down to get them.
I was ultra busy .... reading a book when he came back up saying: "Was Dad mad at me when he bought my socks?"
Me: "Umm yeah, he wasn't happy about having to buy you new socks, why?"
Cody: "Mommmmmmmm, look!"

This is what I saw when I pulled my eyes off the book! Now you may not find this nearly as entertaining as I did. Here's the thing, Cody likes the ankle socks and these were SO far from his likes that I could totally see how he would assume his father was ticked at him. But all I could do was LAUGH! I laughed so hard I cried, I couldn't even breath for a few minutes!

We had to get a few shots of just HOW long these puppies are!

Me: "Come on they can't be THAT bad, just try them on."

Cody: "I'm not sure they will even pull ALL the way up!"

Cody: "Mom, you've GOT to be kidding?! I don't really have to wear these, do I?"
Me: "Well, you've tried them on so, yes you're going to have to wear them."
Cody: "Oh yeah, I'm going to look AWESOME in gym class! These are going to look wonderful with shorts!"
He HAD to wear them yesterday..... and he had them bunched up at his ankles!
I'm still laughing :D