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Quote of the month...
"Standing tall is a very admirable thing. There are very few stories in history of heroes who slouched to the rescue. Likewise, most individuals don't look up to people who are drooped over." from Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra by Obert Skye
The remains of a taser.... from another angle... not sure if you can see the barbs that stick into you when deployed. I hope the video works so you can watch the action. The story is that on Monday, Troy had a taser class from 9 am to 5 pm. He learned a lot and felt a lot as well. They got to choose whether or not to take the barbs, he didn't take the barbs. Instead the simulated a miss-fire and he got the dry shock. This was not a choice, he had to attend for work and he stressed about it for days.
I'm not sure I'd want to feel any kind of shock. Working in a pasture one time with my husband I asked him if the hot wire was live or not. We were cleaning up a downed fence. He goes no, of course I touch it and get shocked. Nope, that was enough electricity for me to experience that's for sure. I think it's good to know what it feels like but sure don't want do it myself. ;)
I am such a WUSS there is no way I could deal with taking the shock unless someone did it when I didn't expect it!!!!
Wow! That sounded Painful! awful. brave man!
Happy PSF!
I'm not sure I'd want to feel any kind of shock. Working in a pasture one time with my husband I asked him if the hot wire was live or not. We were cleaning up a downed fence. He goes no, of course I touch it and get shocked. Nope, that was enough electricity for me to experience that's for sure. I think it's good to know what it feels like but sure don't want do it myself. ;)
Ouch! That sounded kinda painful. Not sure I would volunteer to do that. ;)
I think I would pass on that one! Yikes.
But, I love that they are wearing safety goggles!
Oh wow! No thanks.
One word - OUCH!!
Owwww!!! Brave men putting up with that!
my friends at highschool did that.
i think it's crazy, brave guy!
NO WAY!!!!!!!
ooh shocking, thanks for stopping by
I wouldn't have liked it either. No wonder the stress.
I watched part and then had to stop. I was stressed just thinking about WATCHING it! Aack!
Has he done the BANDIT, That hurts. I got shocked with the Taser, but not like that, it wasn't as long. Ah the joys of working in law enforcement.
Wow that is kinda scary.
Saw the video, it is scary!
Perfect title to the story!
I would not be able to do it. Looks like he did ok, and it was over quickly. He's so brave! :)
♥ CRAZY!!! I'm such a wimp! Dang! My uncle volunteered to get tazed for his police training! He did great! :)
You have one brave man there!
My brother had to attend a class like that. He said the taser hurt pretty bad. Looks and sounds like it did!
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