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Quote of the month...

"Standing tall is a very admirable thing. There are very few stories in history of heroes who slouched to the rescue. Likewise, most individuals don't look up to people who are drooped over."
from Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra by Obert Skye

my family

Monday, October 13, 2008

52 Weeks of Blessings- week 41 --slippers

This week I would like to highlight, my slippers!  Yep, slippers to keep my feet warm in the cold days that have come all too soon!


Darla said...

Mmmmm, I love warm, fuzzy slippers!

Oh, funny that you mentioned on my last post about my 4 y.o. reminding you of yours. When I was starting the post, I was thinking of the stories you've posted and thought that what she is coming up remind me a lot of what your kids come up with. Just for fun I wanted to name the post "Kaisaisms", like your "Scottisms"...Isn't that what you call them?

Yes, they do sound so similar and are at such fun stages, aren't they? And those stories are only a few in many every day. Their little minds are just constantly going and all their thoughts at this age seem to just flow straight from their brain right outta their mouths! I love it!

Mozi Esme said...

Those feet look cozy!

latree said...

I would think so of my boots!

Cecily R said...

That reminds me...I need to buy new slippers!! :)

Straight to Your Hart said...

I LOVE slippers..what a great ODE to them...that's one of the few things I like about winter..makes you want to wrap up in a blanket in front of a fire...so nice!!

Shellie said...

Thank goodness for slippers!

raising4boys said...

I'm loving that blessing this week...even though I am hoping fall comes back soon, I do love feeling cozy in my slippers when I have no where to go.

Jaina said...

Slippers are wonderful, I need to get some new ones.

Joyce said...

Hi, Carrie,
Thanks for visiting my Photostory Friday.

Your slippers look comfy, this cold time of year. :)