Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeekLast Friday Grandma, Shantel, Marlene and I headed off to Time Out For Women In Billings, MT.

We left around noon and it is a 3 hour drive. We needed lunch by the time we hit Miles City and Marlene suggested we have Mexican. If you have a reason to be in Miles City, have lunch or dinner here -- yummy!

Shantel tells us all something interesting while we wait for our lunches to arrive.

Long drives require a potty break so .... there was a full-length mirror and I had my camera!

We actually saw the sign as we were leaving Friday night. Pretty cool to see it on the huge marquee.

Shantel's first Time Out For Women (TOFW). She was pretty excited to attend. Grandma told her after the 2007 one that she could come this year. The Friday Line up went like this:
6:30 ish announcements and welcome
Musical presentation-- Hilary Weeks
Presenter-- Kristen Oaks
Musical presentation-- Jenny Oaks Baker
7:55 break and mingle
8:15 Musical presentation-- Jenny Oaks Baker
9:30 Event end

Friday Night we were blessed to have a "concert" with Jenny Oaks Baker, she was accompanied by Jessica. (sorry no last name, she didn't put it on the program she signed for Shantel.)

While standing in line to meet her I snapped this quick shot of her violin.

Jenny Oaks Baker was schooled at Jilliard and sat 1st chair with the National Symphony Orchestra for 7 years. She was amazing! We were not given much information on Jessica. They were a wonder to listen to.

Shantel and I with Kristen Oaks (step mom to Jenny). She was entertaining and she shared some nice stories.

Friday before I left home I got an e-mail from
Melissa asking if I was coming to TOFW. I was excited that we could meet. (Picture was taken by Shantel on Saturday.) It was a little awkward at first but that soon passed as the weekend went on and we chatted on the breaks. So glad that we finally met after nearly 2 years of being blogging buddies! We are planning to get together the next time I'm down her way.

Here's most of the group from Glendive with Chris Stewart Saturday.

Shantel and I compare feet.
Saturday's line up went:
9 am welcome presentation
Music presentation-- Hilary Weeks
10:30 20 minute break
10:50 Local presentation-- they had a local lady who helped organize the event present her essay on Sweet Assurance
11:40 Lunch break
1pm Partner drawing
Music-- Hilary Weeks
Q&A session
2:15 15 minute break
2:30 Music-- Hilary Weeks
3:45 event wrap-up

Presenters: DeAnne Flynn, Chris Stewart, Kris Belcher, Kim Nelson and Hilary Weeks

Shantel and Hilary Weeks

Me and Hilary

Shantel, DeAnn and me. DeAnn Flynn is a mom, author and a former news anchor/reporter.

Shantel, Kim and I. Kim Nelson is a counselor and author.

Shantel, Kris and I. Kris Belcher is a mother and the author of Hard Times and Holy Places.

Shantel, Chris and I. Chris is an author and a former Air Force pilot.

I also ran into some old friends from when I was a kid: Marie and her daughter, Jen.

Becky, her daughter, Misty and grandson.

Marlene, her daughter, Sherie

and other daughter, Jenny.

Shantel was tired and slept on the way home.

We couldn't pass up another opportunity to have Mexican food, and stopped in Miles City. Another carload from Glendive also stopped there for dinner. Just after our dinners arrived, they plopped this sombrero on her head and started to sing.
All of the presenters were great, they told funny stories and occasionally even made ya cry. We had a wonderful Time Out!