She was released from the hospital on Sunday. She weighed in at 4 lbs 10 ozs! She has come to stay with Grandma & Grandpa for an undetermined time frame. Since we have an EmmaLece who has a variety of the usual knick-names that would be the same for Emily Rose, we have taken to calling her little MissE. MissE is a doll.... a very tiny doll, perhaps lighter than a doll-baby! :) We are all in love with her! She went to story-time today at the library and she was a hit! Everyone wanted to see her and hold her. There were many an exclamation of how small she is. The twins can't get enough of her.
edited 4-1-08 she weighs 4lbs 13 oz and is 17 inches long!
She's smaller thana a doll. How cute is that! I wouldn't be able to get enough of her! I'm so glad she is doing great and able to come home, or at least to grandma's!
Congrats on getting the sweetie home. I am sure taking care of a newborn and a preemie will be quite a family affair. My twins came home around that same size. So many more restrictions when they are born early makes it even more work. What saints Grandma and Grandpa. Emily Rose is blesses to have all of you!
Awwww thanks! We are making up excuses to head over and "help" out! She's the littlest baby we've ever held! My twins were 5lbs 12 oz and 6lbs 11 oz {give or take an ounce}.
so tiny!
I can't believe she's home already.........amazing!
Hooray for her! My BittE was 4 lbs 9 oz - I can't even believe that she was ever that tiny. What a doll!
How little! I can't imagine holding such a little one. My Ryver was 9 lb 1 oz! And the smallest baby I had was 7 lb 12 oz. So.... Anyway, how sweet!
Ar and Ir were both 2kgs, which is about 4lbs. my mom was too afraid to hole them, but I was okay to.
this one MissE is so tiny but I'm sure she'll grow just as normal as other bigger born baby. right E?
She would have been home a week sooner but she has a hyper active thyroid. I'm sure she will grow like other bigger babies. We just love her. You do feel like you're holding a doll, cause she's so light. :)
Thanks for all of your comments and concern for MissE.
I'm SO glad she's home safe & sound! phew...
She's adorable & oh so tiny!!
♥ Yay that she's been released! That car seat does look like it could just swallow her up.
How precious! I'm so glad she got to come home!
I can understand how happy everyone is to have her home! I also had a preemie (far cry from the enormous toddler I see today!), and it was not easy leaving the little guy in the NICU! We were thrilled to bring him home. So happy for your family!
My name is Arnie Keiser. I am 61 and my latest grandkid is our super-star Emily Rose Brady who is 4.
Arnie Keiser 856-596-6679 in NJ
My sites ..not family
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