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Quote of the month...
from Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra by Obert Skye
my family
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Friday, August 31, 2007
Butt Swirlies?!
And what does mom find when she goes and checks on them.... I find two naked 3 yr olds taking turns flushing their butts in the toilet water... Butt Swirlies! One child puts their bum in the tiolet water and the other flushes! They were laughing their heads off like it was the best game ever! silly kids!
More discoveries
First off, did you know that the cord to the portable dishwasher weaves nicely through the little square of the child gate? And that once woven it makes a great swing? Scott tried it out this afternoon.... until mom caught him 'just-a swing'!
Second discovery today is dead birds..... The kids were suppose to be getting in the sub so we could go run errands, but they were exploring.
S= "Mom, come see the died bird."
M= "I'm Coming. I see the poor bird, now let's go."
While heading back to the sub, he says, "He needs new eyes so he can fly."
E= "I will get him new flying things and new feet."
S= "When I get older I will get him some new eyes, so he won't be died anymore."
We continued on in this line of thinking throughout the whole errand running trip about and hour. When we got back home we had to check on the dead bird ... so photo time....
Never leave your purse where a 3 or 4 yr old can reach it!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
helping kids?!

still learning and other stuff
I'd like to say a few things about laundry with a big family... I hate to fold would rather do almost anything other than fold all the clean clothes (by myself), so I gave up a few years ago and decided if people in this house want folded clothes, they could do it themselves! I wash and wash and wash the laundry, then it gets piled somewhere in baskets til it drives me or my husband NUTS, then we drag it to the family room and have a folding party. The first few times we did this it resulted in clean clothes strewn around the room looking like a tornado had just struck the inside of the house! Not a pretty sight! We have now got quite the system, I sort out the clean clothes to the rightful owners (well the girls get to fine-tune my sorting --- they are just too close in size for me to tell) and then the folding begins. I'm not too picky about HOW it's folded, just as long as it gets done and put away. I will fold clothes of children under 4 1/2 and I do the towels, sheets and stuff along those lines. Typically, the younger children find this is a good time for playing dress-up.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Funny things kids say...
Did you know, "There is Stuff under the couch?" Scott told me that while looking for his cup.
Savanna said to Robby, "You're letting your horses out". I had NO idea what she was talking about .... his fly was down... in my day it was : "X Y Z ... P D Q"