Welcome to the Badlands

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Quote of the month...

"Standing tall is a very admirable thing. There are very few stories in history of heroes who slouched to the rescue. Likewise, most individuals don't look up to people who are drooped over."
from Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra by Obert Skye

my family

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Foto Story Friday #99-- A Hike

A few weekends ago we went for a hike in our local state park, Maksohika.
It's full of cool rock formations

pretty pruple and white wild flowers

a natural arch, on which to pose

and show us your attitude!

The views are like no other

All the above photos were taken on the Cap Rock trail.

At another location in the park there is an old cabin that we hiked into.  Another great place to show attitude, I guess!

Plus a cool place to hang from if you happen to be a boy!

The view from the cabin, if you know just where to look you can see the road that weaves up the side.... don't look too hard it is VERY hard to find.
A herd of horses we came across, not sure whose they are, we've never seen a herd there before.

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily


Cecily R said...

Looks like a great place for a family outing (attitude included). Fun pictures!

Aaron said...

Spectacular indeed. Every time I see shots like this I'm reminded that we need to figure out how to come visit you guys again.

Emmy said...

Love all the attitude :) I think it just comes with the age.. I remember doing that.

Looks like a great day.

Aunt Claudia said...

Beautiful views and lots of family fun - even with a dash of 'tude!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. How gorgeous is that? What a wonderful place to live. What an adventure. I love it.

woman who roars said...

What amazing views! I'm so impressed all the kids went hiking - do they enjoy it? We want to get our guys going.

Mom24 said...

Breathtaking! Utah?

Chris said...

Not Utah -- has to be Montana.

What a beautiful place to hike!

debi9kids said...

WOW! What a beautiful place to take a hike! It looks like a fabulous afternoon!

Jenny said...

I am teaching regions of the Us to my third graders this month...and it is amazing to me how different the landscape is in different parts of the country.

Beautiful photos! The view from the cabin is amazing!

Amy said...

What a beautiful family hike. love the pictures

Robyn said...

Very neat scenery with lots of attitude.

latree said...

wow I want to hike there!

Anonymous said...

Glad we are not the only family who likes to take "attitude" pictures :)

Holly said...

Wow, what a cool spot to hang out! What a great family you have.

Serline said...

What a place to feel His awesome wonders... have a blessed weekend!

Run DMT said...

What a great hiking spot! The views must have been amazing because the pictures simply lovely.

Alex@LateEnough said...

I can't believe that's your local state park! Gorgeous!

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

That's an incredible place with your beautiful pictures! Looks like everyone enjoying the hike!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

What a great place you guys visited...and nothing like a little attitude to add charm to the scenery.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness - truly breathtaking! How amazing is it that you are right there?! And the pictures of your children are adorable :-)

Honey Mommy said...

What a fun looking place! I love the shape of the rocks and the pretty flowers!