A few years ago Papa (Troy's grandpa, on his mom's side) passed away. Before he passed, he talked to all of us and told us how much he loved us and pretty much made everyone cry. One of the things he told Troy was that he wanted him to have his tools. Troy and his dad went down to get the tools, filled the truck full and had to leave some behind! This fishing box has been sitting in the garage ever since. The other day, Troy pulled it out and we discovered it's a treasure box.

Looks well used or well loved, huh? I've been told that he loved to drop a line. Most weekends he could be found out on the lake doing just that.

I'm surprised that the sticker is still intact.

Look at all the treasures we found! Can you tell how old these are? Kinda hard so I broke it down for ya.

First the cool metal bait box that hooks on your belt. He bought it for my father-in-law cause they both have the same name: Bob. My FIL grew up across the street he spent a lot of time over there and often accompanied him on his fishing trips.

Still full of line and ready for your next fishing excursion.

In case you have an accident .... how long has it been since you've seen a metal bandage box? And guess what? There are still bandages inside!

These cool metals sinker boxes, and yes there are still sinkers in them as well.

An old film case that he converted to a leader box.

Papa liked tie his own hooks and he would store them in these little glass bottles.

This looks wicked..... I wouldn't want to be caught by it. I don't know a lot about fishing, so I'm not sure what kind of fish you would be trying to catch with it.

Occasionally he did buy pre-strung hooks and we found a few still in the packaging, waiting.

But as I said he liked to tie too and these boxes are full and ready for tying.
There are all kinds of treasure and these are absolutely treasures to us. A little piece of Papa to share with our kids. The 4 youngest never really got to know him, Savanna and Robby do have pictures with him but they were so young and the twins never got to meet him, we never made it back to Vegas before he passed on. So treasures like these and the stories we have of him will help them to know him.
What are your treasures?

Hosted by Cecily