We have passed another milestone here:

This is the cupboard above the sink in the bathroom. It has recently had an addition to it. What you might ask? Well, another stick of deodorant was placed on the shelf. Top shelf holds Troy's and mine, bottom shelf holds Shantel and Savanna's and the middle shelf is home to the boys, Cody and Robby. Yep that's right Robby, my 4th grader, has joined the ranks of deodorant wearers.

This is his. Gotta keep them all straight, everyone has their own flavor and brand, so there are no mix-ups.
Now, I really need to tell the story of how we came to this point. A few weeks back, Robby was getting ready to attend a city council meeting with his Grandpa and Cody where they were going to recognize the 100th year of scouting. All the boys, both cubs and boy scouts, were to attend in uniform, present the colors and receive the recognition. Robby was putting his scout shirt on,, in the dining room of all places and as he was buttoning up, he said: "Wow! my armpits stink!" After the fits of laughter passed through the house, I told him it was about time we got him some deodorant ..... next time we got paid. It was all he could talk about and he just didn't understand why I couldn't take him right then to the store after some. Every so often, he would ask about going to get some but was having trouble remembering what it was called and would say: "Mom, when are we going to go get me some detergent?" Which, of course, would send the house into fits of laughter again. Finally, I was able to fulfill his wishes and Sunday morning after his shower he got to apply his first layer of deodorant! Oh wait, let me back up a bit, Saturday night he asked when you put it on and how much to use. I told him after his shower and a few swipes should do him. So, Sunday morning rolls around and he goes in to shower only to come out of the bathroom in a bit of a panic cause he can't find his deodorant. I calmly explained that it was above the sink and all was well.

After 3 hours of church we came home to change clothes and head over to Grandma and Grandpa's house for dinner and he proudly announced to anyone within hearing that his armpits still smelled good! Guess he's sure!

Hosted by Cecily