I looked up and saw him "just smelling them mom!" I couldn't resist a shot to preserve the moment. It's torture when you haven't had dinner yet and the cookies are cooling on the rack!
And totally unrelated picture....
Scott was going to be Spidey for Halloween until the Monday before when he informed me that Spiderman was "not cool" and he HAD to be Darth Vader. Well, since I live in the middle of NOWHERE, my only choice was Kmart and they didn't have Darth. SO I figured I could wing it... come on it is only black and the helmet. So I visited the Attic for some second hand stuff in the shade of black and possibly something to bulk him up. I lucked out in the bulking up department. I spied 2 motorcycle chest protectors for a whopping .50 cents each... I grabbed both! A nice big piece of black fabric for 2$ and a black sweatshirt for 1$. Then I did a google search on 'how to make a Darth Vader costume/helmet'. Well there were some easy but not cheap ways to make the helmet but since the kids can't wear full masks at the Church Halloween party/trunk or treat I didn't want to make it that way. I figured I could make one.
I stared at a photo of Darth's helmet and got some supplies: cardboard box, scissors, tape and black poster board and set out to figure it out.
It wasn't looking too good so when Cody came home from school I asked for his opinion and we set out to cover it with the black paper. When we were nearly finished Cody said: " this looks more like Dark Helmet from Spaceballs rather than Darth Vader. Seriously google it!"
It's all about what the kids think in the end...if he loved it that is all that counts! Totally Dark Helmet though!
"Just smelling them" ... a line for the ages : )
Hahahaha....my boys would have licked them if they got that close to homemade cookies!
Love the costume.
♥ You know how long it's been since I've seen Space Balls??? It's awesome! :)
Great costume, Carrie!! You did an awesome job!!!
"Just smelling them mom." That is classic and really cracked me up!
I agree....very cool costume!
Happy PSF!
my kids do the same about smelling...
and that was such a cool costume!
I love the cookies picture and Halloween costumes are great!
Great costume! And those cookies look so good! :)
Cool capture, the first shot!
That was really clever and looked just the job!
Nuts in May
I totally love Spaceballs and he's right...it is a lot like Dark Helmet! How funny! Great job though...that's a lot of work!
Hah! He looks just like Dark Helmet! Did you catch him playing with his dolls?
I can hear the Darth Vader music in my head just looking at that costume - well done!
Tink *~*~*
Sooooooo hilarious!!!!!!!!!!! Love it!
Holy cow you have a lot of kids:) I have two and a thousand stories. Your head must be swimming! I have to say, I'm jealous. I always wanted more children...my son is also 15 years old a hoot. I would have loved to have more like him:)
that is just the cutest thing - those costumes! the helmet is almost bigger than he is!
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