Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
So the story is: I was taking EmmaLece to the dr after a birthday party. It is well ICY on the street, I walked around the back of the truck and lost my footing. My arms flailed and my feet slipped and down I came. It hurt like the dickens! I just knew that someone was watching, so I jumped up and got in the truck cringing. After I'd been in the dr office for 30-45 mins a gal came in with her daughter, she asked me when my appt. was, I told her 3pm but I was a little late because I fell on the ice walking around my truck. She got an "oh my" look on her face and starts to ask was I on this street and do I have a green truck. When I answered in the affirmative, she said she had just looked out the window as I fell!
Oh my that is a nasty bruise! I would have been in tears if that happened to me.
OUCH! That looks painful! Sorry it happened, but it made for a cute Photo Story Friday!
Oh my, that looks like it hurts, A lot.
ouch! feel better soon
Oh! No!
That is bad, hope it heals fast.
ouch!! I hope you get well soon
I've been hurt like the Dickens before. It SUCKS. But the only thing worse than falling on the ice (which is never graceful) is finding out that someone was watching.
I hope you feel better soon.
Man, why couldn't she have waited a few seconds more? and then to bring it up!!! ;)
Sorry about the fall and hope you heal fast! It looks painful!
OUCH! Hope it feels better soon - eeeek! Watch that ice.
Take care - Kellan
OUCh - ice is dangerous!!
Yowza! That bruise is WICKED! I'm glad you weren't hurt worse!!
I slipped and fell outside of the school today...I was walking with Evie and to play it off I pretended I was kneeling down to talk to her...I am such a dork!
Glad you are okay... what a bruise!!
Ay-yi-yi! That looks so painful.
All this ice and snow this winter is getting old. Can hardly wait til spring!
Yikes...I'm glad you were okay. Must have been pretty painful.
oh wow that looks like it hurt bad!
great math spin
♥ Double dang on that one. It's the perfect circle though! And at least you have something to show for it. It stinks when you get hurt really bad and there isn't even a bruise to prove that it happened! :)
What a bruise. Glad you didn't break it though!
Oh, how kind of her to let you know she saw the whole thing. {insert eyeroll here!} Geez.
That looks painful. Wow.
OUCH!! Hope it feels better than it looks! I had to laugh when I got the "punch line". LOL! Who would have thought someone looked out the window at that very moment.
Oh ouch...& that is just so wrong that you had to have a witness!
If you haven't already - try witch hazel on the bruise - it does wonders!
Hope it fades quickly!
Ouch! Oh you poor thing. Been there done that. so has my sister-she falls everywhere-actually her stories may actually make you feel better.
Hope the bruises go away soon. Have a great weekend!
First OWIE! Second wow that you were spotted and ran into the lady later.
OH NO! Ouch indeed!
Oh my word. That is terrible (the falling) and funny (the "someone is watching me" feeling). I hope that painful-looking bruise heals soon.
Notice how someone is always watching??? Sorry bout the bruise, but it is kind of funny that the next patient to arrive was the one who saw ya!
Ouch! I hope you won't be sore for long.
That looks painful! Ouch! I hate ice.
Ouch! Why is there always someone watching? And how long did you have to sit in the waiting room opposite the woman who had witnessed your 'downfall'?
oh my!! that looks painful!! you know when I was little we had one of these.. i wasn't paying attention and running around and hit it with my shin! it hurt so bad!! it was a huge bruise and knot forever! i feel your pain! really I do!! :)
Ouch! Hope it is feeling better!
Ouch! That looks awful! Sorry that woman saw you. hehe.
BTW, I am guessing you are in SD being in the Badlands? I was out there in August visiting family. It's so beautiful!
OH, that looks so painful!! So sorry...being seen is even worse. Hopefully this can be a after effect laugh moment (once the hurt and bruise is gone...giggle)!! Hope the Dr. appt. went well...
Ouch! The hazards of ice. I hope all is well and healing fine!
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